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1_Research_critical reflection _Render_Me_ 16th June

Setting up the video footage and Generative particle effects in Lightforms Creator software. Also testing caustic effects of projection with holographic material (on right)

Setting up the video footage and Generative particle effects in Lightforms Creator software. Also testing caustic effects of projection with holographic material (on right)

Have set up the Lightform projector in T24 test space. Painting the glass debris of pixels with a broom into a form that is reminiscent of ocean movement. Tried dragging a wig over it’s surface, but it wasn’t firm enough, a broom shifting the glass into a surface reminiscent of pebbles deposited on a digital shoreline, as if an invisible ocean had swept through long ago.

Thinking about how the work can imply technological artefacts, digital debris, a simulation waiting to be rendered. To recreate an actual literal memory recall, our own stored files. The entropy of a memory

Thoughts while setting up the work. The material's properties and the effects it elicits. Properties of glass, dispersion, pixels, multidimensional, light reactive, physical medium, with light as material affecting its surface. The immaterial nature of water becoming material. 

Trying to imbue elements of loss, of the death of our planet, our dystopian future, a remembrance, a eulogy for a memory. A memory that is fading. Glitched, a cellular trace level recording. Memoir artefact. Memory archive.

Augmented reality, using projection mapping to augment the physical space, to transport the observer into another realm, portal like.

Thinking about themes relating to what makes us human? Our attachments to memories, define our humanity. 

Testing the effects of Holographic surfaces with the video work renders interesting caustics. 

Interested in the word haptic and how it relates to the work, or the work relates to it. 

Haptic perception (Greek: haptόs "palpable", haptikόs "suitable for touch") means literally the ability "to grasp something". Perception in this case is achieved through the active exploration of surfaces and objects by a moving subject, as opposed to passive contact by a static subject during tactile perception.

Painting the glass, moment frozen in time, interference, ephemeral, over layed with digital light projection of a memory, spatial and temporal.  dimensional. juxtaposed against a still fragment of pixelated glass. Photons, shifts, memory, glimmers, cascading ocean, pools of flickering color. Holographic surface, shimmering reverie a moving subject, as opposed to passive contact by a static subject during tactile perception.

“Removing formalistic interpretations of nature and enhancing haptic sensibilities. Not to reproduce nature but to analyse human responses to nature.”

"the spatial and temporal dimensions of human interference in complex ecosystems”

“Why is the triad of medium substances and surfaces, our surfaces so important? The surface is where most of the action is. The surfaces where life is reflected or absorbed, not the interior of the substance. The surface is what touches the animal, Not the interior. The surface is where chemical reactions mostly take place. The surface is where vaporisation or diffusion of substances into the medium occurs. And the surface is where vibrations of the substances are transmitted into the medium.”

(Conjecture, projection, our perception of surfaces. Unrenderable. Unknowable completely. Fragments of reality, of truth.)

1 J.J Gibson, the ecological approach to visual perception (Boston, MA Houghton Mifflin 1979) , 23

It’s a metaphorical representation of both the external world of the object and the internal world of the self. “Can you see a whole opaque physical object in a given moment of the perception or most only some part of its facing surface?” and so on. 2

2. Reflections on surfaces

Avrum Stroll

University of California, San Diego

La Jolle, CA 92093


Making the intangible tangible. Light and surface. Materiality, Glass reflects the light, momentarily coming alive. Absorbing, bouncing, refracting, changing, multi dimensional. 

It’s a virtual landscape for a virtual world. 

Themes and imagery from Bladerunner 2049, as Love, a skinjob cyborg, accesses physical memory orbs from storage. 

Crit review feedback 

Climate change 

Vulnerability of the land 




Resonance, waves, frequencies

Fleetingness of human life and solidity and permanence of the land 

There is a stillness and contemplation in the work. 

Captured the stillness juxtaposed against the motion. 



space to experiment with the work 

Narrative story extension 


Laura prefers the stillness and repetition 

Inspiration has come from artists Alison Shotz, Anne Veronica Jansens, Tara Donovan 

What is the criticality in this work? 

What is real? Do androids dream of electric sheep by Phillip K Dick questions in his novel themes around what makes us human, authenticity, our memories and how they define us and make us human. Provoking the reader to question what is real what is constructed? Defining that what makes us human is our memories. 

Laura suggested reading the paper “The internet does not exist”

Have started watching  “All Watched over by machines of loving grace” a documentary on how we are colonised by the computer. From its beginnings, with Ayn Rand and her myth around selfishness and it being a catalyst for silicone valley. 

How does the work assert a position? 

Drilling down into it so that you have a way to critique your own work, how do I find a position? 

Connection between memory and what is present and not present? 


Memory and hazyness and your own connections to oceans and water 

Does have its own merits having an open interpretation for the observer, a way in for own interpretation and memories of similar experiences on the shoreline.

Theories on how memory works 

In computer machines how it stores it and forgets it, blank pixels a corrupt file.  look at several models or conflate materially and digitally and how things are stored in boxes and pods and layers. 

Ocean is primordial what is held within the storage water holds memory. Water is ancient 

Seeing pattern working close with the materials and then meta matter those two scales the personal memories and subjectivity and then overplayed with the larger scale of the large. Macro and micro.

Capturing that emotion and holding it

Fragmented glass 

Macro and micro 

The tiny pieces make up the composite whole

how do you title this work? 

Render me 

Physical materiality

Digital memory

Post digital art

Digital technologies emerges a hybrid of digital and physical realms

Making the Intangible tangible 

Temporal and eternal 

Subversion of media technologies 

Revealing of its Infrastructure and materiality of the medium 

The subsurface materiality of representation 

Erosive wave motion a metaphor for 

Beyond digitality 

Tangible relationship that seek to make a connection between society technology and culture 

Post internet art 

The internet as a medium 

Digital technology becomes embedded in the physical world

The infinite reproducibility and mutability of digital materials 

Merging of digital and material realms 

Blend digital and non digital as part of the same reality 

To use material forms of engagement with technologies to supplement and extend critical reflection with an emphasis on critique and expression rather than technical sophistication and function 

Can intersect in unorthodox ways 

Cultural reference rather than just a medium

Cultural and social effects on us in daily life 

Light as a material as reflection manifestations of reality in a new way 

To decipher other reality’s 

Temporal overplayed onto the static 

Creating a other worldly experience 

The movement of light on water 

Childhood memories 

Natural phenomena light and nature 


Collaborations with programmers and electronic music 

Light is multi dimensional 

Painting the ocean movement 

Observed phenomena 

To share that experience 

Immersive installations 

Light refraction changes the materiality in the space

Donna harraway 

Cyborg manifesto blurring of nature culture 

Post internet 

Matt suggested I could try using old monitor screens talking to past technology and the screen, how we receive our information and experience of reality now. Speaking to our times. Colonized by computers 

What am I doing? Why am I doing it? Creative practice is the enquiry, we are not seeking to prove something. You can extrapolate many interpretations from someone’s work. 




“Video feedback is a classic example of complex dynamical behavior. It arises from the way energy circulating in the system interacts chaotically with the electronic components of the hardware.”


“The post digital aesthetic”

“In order to frame the main traits of a post-digital culture of artistic production, the paper starts by addressing the concept of the post-digital as aesthetics of failure. It then considers the changing conceptions of the term and related artistic approaches that gradually shift their focus on the digital medium’s infrastructure towards the broader socio-cultural effects of the ubiquity of computational technologies. According to this view, we highlight how a contemporary post-digital culture of audiovisual production explores two main forms of hybridity pertaining to merging digital and analogue media and conflating digital and physical realms.”


Our  perceptions and experience of reality is shaped by the ubiquity of digital technologies 

Artistic practices a hybrid media forms neither analog or digital and that merge digital and material realms 

Hacker attitude of taking systems apart and using them in ways which subvert the original intention of the design 

Against the corporate state of its usage 

See behind the screen being  it into the physical  world with the environment and 

Computation becomes experiential spatial and materialized in its implementation embedded within the environment and embodied 

The involvement  of the audience makes them part of the work not reducible to the digital world human and non human agents 

Post digital aesthetics hybridity 

Rejecting the new by the  functional repurposing of old media 

Deconstruct and subvert media 

Reading suggestions from amber Strain:

Ian Cheng's "Emissaries"

His work using computer AI generated worlds to create his work? He has a book in the Library called: Ian Cheng: Forking at Perfection

Digital Biology: How Nature Is Transforming Our Technology and Our Lives

Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other

Haunted Media: Electronic Presence from Telegraphy to Television


”The internet doesn’t exist”

Donna Harraway, The Cyborg Manifesto :

Contact Greg Bennett